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Outdoor Classrooms

School Outdoor furniture installed as an outdoor classroom
Outdoor Classroom consisting of Outdoor furniture including Settings, Platform & Heavy Duty Umbrellas installed in a school playground
School Outdoor furniture & Umbrellas installed as an outdoor classroom
School Outdoor furniture installed as an outdoor classroomOutdoor Classroom consisting of Outdoor furniture including Settings, Platform & Heavy Duty Umbrellas installed in a school playgroundSchool Outdoor furniture & Umbrellas installed as an outdoor classroom

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Our company motto of “Take the Classroom Outside” has come about after our research into the benefits of Outdoor Learning for students of all ages.

It makes learning more engaging and relevant, inspires creativity and imagination.  Students develop learning through experimentation with almost limitless resources, and it can reduce behaviour problems and improve attendance.

We design each available space to suit the environment with age appropriate settings, and collaborate with both teachers and students to select either a natural colour scheme or brightly coloured outdoor furniture to enhance the surroundings.

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