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Percussion Play

Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments Installed By Scully Outdoor Designs Australia In A School Playground On The Grass Under Some Trees
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments
Percussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments Installed By Scully Outdoor Designs Australia In A School Playground On The Grass Under Some TreesPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical InstrumentsPercussion Play Outdoor Musical Instruments

Percussion Play outdoor musical instruments offer cognitive, emotional, physical and inclusive play opportunities for everyone, everywhere.

Music Made for the Great Outdoors

There is something special about music that crosses barriers and encourages closeness regardless of age, race, religion and background.

Add in the therapeutic environment of nature and the great outdoors, and there are few things more enjoyable than musical play.

It is this sentiment, combined with over 20 years’ experience in the play industry, that sits at the heart of Percussion Play.

We strongly believe that outdoor musical instruments tick all the boxes, offering cognitive, emotional and physical play opportunities for everyone, everywhere.

These instruments are easy to play for all ages and abilities and are either pentatonically tuned (for easy improvisation with no clashing notes), or diatonically tuned (so that the user can play familiar or favourite tunes as well as improvising or composing their own).

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